Press Releases for Life Insurance Rates

  • 710

    New life insurance website launched offering competitive life insurance rates for everyone

    New life insurance website in South Africa is set to take the market by storm, offering affordable life insurance coverage.

    By : | 08-01-2012 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 710

  • 1014

    Know the basics of life insurance rates

    Life insurance is something that no one wants to go for. People fear the concept of death and many of them associate life insurance with death. People also think that with rising prices, it is impossible to get favorable life insurance rates. The whole process of applying for a policy, talking and haggling with insurance agents and handing over premium money is not very appealing for most people.

    By : | 05-04-2010 | Insurance:Insurance | Total Views : 1014

  • 1194

    Proven Ways to Get the Best Life Insurance Rates

    Life insurance prices vary from one policy to another. The cost of your insurance will depend largely on several factors. These factors include the type of policy you took from the insurer, your age, health condition, occupational risks, and the length of the term of your policy. When you buy a plan or policy, the insurer will determine the life insurance rates based on the information you provided. There are several ways to get the best rates from insurance companies.

    By : | 03-26-2010 | Insurance:Insurance | Total Views : 1194

  • 1055

    Choosing the Best Life Insurance Rates between Term and Universal Life Insurance

    Life insurance prices vary greatly based on the type of policy that you will get. For most people, the choice of policy is between term life insurance and universal life insurance. These policies have different life insurance rates and the difference could be substantial. Generally, term life insurance is cheaper and provides big coverage for your premium dollar. However, it does not earn cash value. So if you are still alive by the end of the term, then you will not get anything.

    By : | 03-26-2010 | Insurance:Insurance | Total Views : 1055